Monday, November 9, 2009

salt and peeper calvarium

rice grain calcification

pancake vertebra

Onion skin periosteal reaction

miliary shadow

omental cake

licked candy stick appearance

egg shell calcification

donut sign 2

donut sign

cottage loaf sign

coffee bean sign

berry aneurysm

apple core lesion

Multicolour tongue in HIV patient 1

paget disease

multidarmatomal herpes 2

multidarmatomal herpes

Digital Gangrene in SLE

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Empty sella in Sheehans Syndrome

rheumatoid arthritis 2

rheumatoid arthritis 1

Ectopia lentis in a case of Marfan Syndrome


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Dr Partha Saradr, MBBS, MD (PGT)
Resident,Department of internal medicine, Medical College, Kolkata

Dr. Sardar is the author of 9 articles and 14 abstracts, book chapters.


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Dr Nilay Das, M.D
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EKO CT/MRI Center, Medical College, Kolkata

Dr Subhasis Mitra, M.D.
RMO,Department of internal medicine, Medical College, Kolkata

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Dr Pradipta Guha, Medical College, Kolkata

Dr Uddalok Majumder., Medical College, Kolkata


Dr Debabrata Sahana, Medical College, Kolkata

Dr Deeptarka Roy, Medical College, Kolkata


Dr Dipanjan Banerjee

Associate Professor, Department of internal medicine, Medical College, Kolkata

Prof Amit Kumar Banerjee

HOD,Department of internal medicine, Medical College, Kolkata

Dr Prantar Chakraborti

Assistant Professor, IHTM, Medical College, Kolkata

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Published: 09/11/2009

Tubercular cerebral abscess

Tubercular cerebral abscess is an uncommon entity



hone combing (coarse)

amiodarone toxicity

alveolar proteinosis